Saturday, May 18

Introducing Jakaro the Stealth Ninja

Hail neebies! If you are visiting this link, it's probably because I looted you. First, allow me to thank you for your wonderful gold, regs, armor, and magic items. Allow me to introduce myself:

My name is Jakaro, Stealth Ninja Extraordinaire from the Atlantic Shard, circa 2006ish.

I like to loot, pillage, and plunder the corpses of my fallen comrades. Why work for gold when other people can do it for you?

I also enjoy stealing the gold from lame farming bards who can't do anything to defend themselves.

I'm often found deep in the dungeons, or pretty much anywhere there is a dead body.

Some people like me...


But most people don't.


Sometimes I get monsters to help me out.


And sometimes I need to resort to even cheaper tactics-- thanks guards!

So be careful.... you never know where I'll be hiding.



Looking forward to looting you soon! Keep an eye out for older episodes from the Atlantic era to be uploaded shortly! 


  1. Gotta give the man credit... He's good at what he does.

  2. Is it just me or is this guy a low-budget Galad?

  3. I played with Galad briefly back in the day ^^ Moved to Atlantic from Sonoma and made my own name for myself. Will have old episodes up here eventually.

  4. You were in my house!

  5. Aahahah looks fun, do you have stealing in your template too?

  6. Your awesome Jakaro. keep it coming


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