Mmm, that's not quite what happened. I think it's time to go down memory lane....
'Twas a beautiful day, and Jakaro was hanging out with his brand new Werkt guildmates!
Well, not really. Werkt hates him, so he just snuck into their house.
Everybody was napping during this time, so Jakaro made himself right at home, doing what he assumed all Werkt members did.
He dined at the great table.
He built some items for his new best friends.
He even defended the castle against non-Werkt members when everyone else was snoring!
Jakaro was holding down the fort... when this guy rolls in. Bhurak. An orc! Disgusting. Jakaro just spent hours cleaning this guildhouse, he can't have orc scum in this pristine location. He decides to get rid of this evil fiend.

But oh no! The EV misses and attacks his best friend Anon-!
Anon, Cups, and Bhurak weren't very happy about this. They sought Jakaro out to negotiate terms of leaving the guild... and I don't think they were going to be very nice terms.
Jakaro was able to escape and run off into the woods. But alas! They bring along one of their GM trackers and they mercilessly execute Jakaro, firing-range style, in an abandoned home next door.
Wow, some treatment for somebody who took care of your pet for you when you were all napping!
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