Well that's not very nice!

The mage, Bofonchio, decided to try his luck.
But it wasn't very successful.
Vaughan then tried his luck, and miserably failed, but fortunately was saved by a third guildmember who showed up in the nick of time. Jakaro died fighting, on his own two feet, against these three cruel humans. Before he died, he vowed revenge.
So of course Jakaro came back, riding a horse this time, and handily whooped Vaughan in a fair fight without his other two henchmen, but that's besides the point. Jakaro was going to make M*T pay for what they did to him.
Later, Jakaro saw his opportunity. He was at Moonglow bank, lurking in the shadows, and saw a warrior named Ulrich Stonewall attempting to join M*T.
Ulrich didn't find that too funny.
More M*T members appear and they open up a gate to their guildhouse. Jakaro decides to sneak in and watch from the shadows as they guild Ulrich and welcome him to their new home.
Suddenly, the door flew open, and none other than Vaughan himself enters the guildhouse. The ultimate enemy. Jakaro grits his teeth and prepares to fight-- but alas, the guildhouse is too crowded. Vaughan takes his seat next to Ulrich, and stifles a laugh as the two engage in quite an entertaining conversation.
Wait, really? By yourself? Let's refresh:
What an ass!
All of the warriors eventually begin treasure hunting. They hunt for about 30-40 minutes. After every hunt, they return to a second guildhouse and deposit all of the gold and items into a treasure chest that is locked down outside. Jakaro hangs out, waiting for them to return and begin sorting out the gold-- and that is when he will strike.
So finally they all return, ready to split their loot. Jakaro gets ready to jump somebody and hope for the best.
But wait. Something happened at the house while they were all gone!
The accusations begin to fly.
And then.... a discovery!
A book?
Dr. Death claims he saw the entire thing. He said he saw somebody standing by the chest earlier who stole the gold and passed it off to his partner!
And that person was.................................
Then, you wear Vaughan's armor around his own guildhouse, just to be petty.
Then, you go treasure hunting with them, find out where they store all the gold, and make sure your arch-nemesis is with them.
After a bit, go "afk" because of "lag", run back to the guildhouse, and steal all of the gold with your conveniently-waiting purple-pantalooned partner.

For shits and giggles, plant a book framing your enemy to cause mass chaos:
And then finally, ride off into the sunset, 60,000 gold pieces richer.
Ah, it feels great to be back.
-- Jakaro