'Twas a late, late evening in Britannia. Jakaro was stumbling home from the bar, and decided to take a shortcut through Britain. The streets were eerily deserted. However, when we came around the corner of Britain Bank, he saw something that shook him to his core.
Standing in the middle of the bank, next to a forge, was the villainous Game Master himself, Staff Tony! This late in the evening must be the hour in which he forges all of his evil plots to further suppress the free people of UO Forever!
Jakaro thought back to the previous year, back to the evil war of the giants that Tony brought upon the world, and the thousands of innocent lives lost. No more, thought Jakaro. No more shall the citizens of Sosaria suffer! It was time to rid this world of Tony, once and for all!
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Oof. Immediately, as soon as Jakaro raised his spear high to the heavens and thrust it into Tony's side, everything went black.
Jakaro quickly resurrected himself, healed his wounds, and went back to work. For the free people of Sosaria!
Oof. The villain was just too strong! He was hitting poor Jakaro for 64-88 damage every second. Jakaro needed to get creative.
Time to bring out the big guns! Well, as close to a gun as you can get in Sosaria. Bow and arrow time!
But it was working! Tony's health was being impacted! Jakaro began to think through all of the difficult times the Free People of Sosaria have suffered under Tony's reign of terror, and used this to fuel his adrenaline during this incredibly difficult battle.
As Tony's health began to wane, his force fields got stronger!
But the battle must continue! Jakaro summoned all of his strength and focused on perhaps the greatest victim of the Evil Tony's reign of terror...
Poor innocent Joe Exotic, the sweet, innocent caretaker of the Moonglow Zoo, who lost everything and had his zoo burned to the ground after he accidentally sold Tony a slightly overweight swamp dragon. But nonetheless, Tony's reign of terror shall soon end, all thanks to Sosaria's #1 Hero, Jakaro!
Here it goes! Jakaro issues a final battle cry! For Sosaria! For Joe! For Jakaroooo!
Wait. That didn't work. Let's try again.
That's it! The tyrant has been defeated! Jakaro decided to scamper off before Tony's guards find out.
But curiosity got the best of him... He had to know what Tony was carrying in all the pockets of his robes.
What's this? A sword.....?
This sword must have given Tony all of his powers! And it belonged to Jakaro now! Jakaro was now the ruler of all Sosaria! He vowed to fix all of the evil misdeeds throughout the past 8 years!
Nah. Too lazy for that shit.
The End